Self Care is so important for our overall health. Whether that's mental health or physical health. Self care is especially important during this time when a lot of us are still stuck in the house or some cities and states are still limited. This can have an effect on your overall health. We must take care of ourselves first and foremost.

Why Is Self Care Important?

When we don't take care of ourselves we start neglecting our bodies which will eventually put us in even worse health. Protecting and maintaining our bodies is the perfect way to self care. Even just taking a few minutes out of the day to dedicate to yourself will ultimately give you a better feeling about yourself. And we all want to have positive mental health and strong physical health. 

 I wanted to share with you some ways to practice self care this month and every other month this year.

Here Are Some Good Self Care Ideas

1. Guided Meditation

2. DIY Facial or Face Mask

3. Try And At Home Workout

4. Draw or Paint

5. Get a Manicure & Pedicure

6. Get Your Hair Done

7. Bake a Treat

8. Bask In The Sun 

9. Drink Herbal Tea

10. Read An Inspirational Book Or Quotes

11. Get A Massage 

12. Go On A Weekend Getaway

13. Have A Movie Night

14. Take A Detox Bath

15. Go For A Long Walk

16. Go For A Long Drive

17. Dance To Some Music

18. Write In Your Journal

19. Practice Good Oral Health

20. Use Your Essential Oil Diffuser

21. Try Gardening 

22. Take A Nap

23. Write A Goals List

24. Read A Book

25. Clean Up


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